
I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in. ~John Muir, 1913

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Why are we doing this?

A lot of people probably look at us funny when they hear we've bought a few acres and are going to start a small farm. Okay, maybe they just WANT to look at us funny. At any rate- it's quite a change, I must admit, and really... Why ARE we doing this? It might be a good idea to chronicle how I feel today, before it all really begins to get hairy, and then I can re-read it when I have one of those days where people ask others... remind me WHY I'M DOING THIS!!!! I expect there will be quite a few of those days ahead of us. :o) So let's first start out with WHAT we want, then I can break each of those down and explain the "why" part of it. At least from MY standpoint. The Dude might have something else to say about it on his own bloggy.

1. A farm. As general as that is, we just want one. I mean, we live in the country and why not? It would be a lot of work-yes, but also a lot of FUN! Especially for the kids, don't you think? Another reason is that we want to be as self-sufficient as possible. This means being able to produce enough food to feed our family, winter time included, however, we won't be getting any meat from our farm unless we decide to do that in the future. I can't tell you how warm and fuzzy I feel inside just knowing that one day I will be able to walk our farm and pick an apple off the tree and just eat it, knowing that there were no pesticides used and that WE grew it! Another BIG reason for the farm is that when we are old enough to retire we can already have a farm and know how to run it and what it takes to maintain it, barring any changes like a decision to start keeping cows or like/such-as (I love saying that!) One thing I know my parents enjoy about their own farm is the ability to share what they've grown with their family and friends. I look forward to a lot of that too. :o)

2. Goats. Well, they are just way too cute not to want about 10 of them. I mean, go look for yourself!

And you HAVE to watch the whole video!
These are dairy goats, yet smaller ones and adorable! I want to be able to provide milk for my family that comes from a source that I know without a shadow of a doubt what they were fed and treated with medically. Why wouldn't I? And besides, it would be FUN!

3. Chickens. Same reason as the goats. I want to be able to provide enough eggs for my family PLUS enough to sell to others because a LOT of people prefer farm-fresh eggs. And again... fun. Also, if you looked into the video I posted "here while back" about Back to Eden then you will remember how Paul gave all green (meaning grass too) and veggie scraps to his chickens who in turn make great compost/top soil for his gardens.

I already have people wanting eggs AND chickens from me and I haven't even build a coop yet!

4. Tractor. Oh wait... I will let someone else post about that but... why would I have a farm without a tractor??? That's like having a farm without a barn to me. Why, it's bad form, old boy!

5. A Great Pyrenees PUPPY!
And yes, I do want a dog that big and I believe they are the best ones for the job they do.

I want my children to grow up outside like we *zee Dude and I* did. I want them to know responsibility by helping to take care of the animals. I want them to have respect for the animals yet love them as one would a pet. I want my children to really appreciate that warm and fuzzy feeling they will get knowing that they helped to plant, water, maintain, harvest, clean and cook (or not, says the nappy-headed person who is working to convert to a mostly-raw diet) all, or most, of the food they are putting in their mouths.

My dream is to wake up before the sun, start making a good breakfast of fresh eggs, sprouted grain breads and fresh fruits, or even biscuits, pancakes or muffins from stuff I MADE while the kids are out milking and gathering those eggs. Then after they go off to school I can do other jobs that need to be done or make time to get my craft on. I look forward to baking more bread and hopefully one day prep food for the dehydrator and tend to other things that are in the works, like kefir and sprouting... etc. All these things I want to do. I have so many IDEAS!!!!!!!

And slowly the dream becomes reality.


  1. Nigerian Dwarf Goats sounds like an alternative rock band.

  2. And it probably is! Somewhere in the world! ;o)
