So, I'm not sure when my last post was but I knew I had to update because so many things have happened.
For one, we finally moved into our new homestead house! YAY! We moved in officially on March 23, 2013. THEN.....
Exactly one week later we welcomed our newest little squish into the family. She was born in water and into her Daddy's hands in our home. Isn't that wonderful? It was a very long, very hard labor for me but she's here and very healthy and that's all that matters, right?
In other news, we have 2 new puppies. Both of our GPs moved over to the new house with us but then walked back home and eventually disappeared. I have no hopes of them returning and I'm very sad about that. They're two very beautiful dogs and someone probably took them or picked them up. I hope they're happy. :( The two new ones we have are half boxer and half Labrador. And I have to admit they are so much more fun than the GPs were.
We also had about 7 or 8 chickens when we moved here but they all quickly became someone's dinner and it wasn't ours. I later saw a raccoon in the front yard one evening and it was then discovered after some reading that they LOVE chickens and will do anything to pull them out of their pen. Even if it's one leg at a time. Well, then my folks came over and brought 5 more chickens and a rooster. Man, he was a beautiful one too. Notice I said "was"? Yep. Well, we tried to move the pen to a safer location on the property and they got loose. They were mostly game hens too and not used to being loose so they were impossible to corral and catch so it was pretty inevitable that the raccoons got them. But not before The Dude got one of theirs! So, now we have NO chickens OR roosters but we have the 2 puppies (who aren't looking like puppies too much anymore lately!) and the cats (which I wish would find a new home).
We just returned from a camping trip which was cut short due to raining off and on for 2 days. All of us went. Even the baby (who is now 3.5 mths old by the way.) I was ready to come home anyway.
I saw something neat on Facebook around the beginning of Summer and wanted to try it out with our family. It was a "100 Things to Do This Summer" chart. We made one and have it hanging up and check things off as we do them, but we don't even have all the 100 spots filled yet! It really is a challenge to think those type of things up! I mean, you could put anything on there at all but I wanted to be realistic and put things that we could probably actually accomplish. Like "going to Grandma's" or "camping trip" or "picking blueberries" <-- we just checked this one off yesterday! Other things on the list that we've accomplished are picking strawberries, making homemade jam, VBS, make homemade pizza, family movie night and some others that I can't remember. This weekend we will be going to Grandma and Grandpa's house and taking them a present (which counts as "Making a Craft") to them for a late anniversary present. Grandma's been wanting one and maybe we will take a picture and post it after we've finished it. :o)
Let's see, what else? Well, the basement floods every time we get a hard rain so that's a huge pain... and we have no garden this year but I think The Dude has decided he wants to build a big greenhouse and grown things year round. I think this is an excellent idea. No weeds to pull, no hoeing to do, etc. Hey, I can't help it that I'm more on the lazy side. ;o) We would also like to try out the Aquaponics/Hydraponics. Some day!
I've also made some ginger carrots and more sauerkraut (this batch had roasted jalapenos in it and is SO tasty!) lately as far as fermented stuff goes. I was gifted quite a bit of corn recently too and have put a lot up. We LOVE corn!
Totally off any of the above topics: I am trying to lose that 10 lbs after having the baby (I call her Sweetie-Pea) and am eating a lot of junk lately combined with my new addiction to A & W Rootbeer. erg. So tomorrow I am going low-carb again because I know it works for me. After I lose those 10 lbs I will change over to a more plant-based diet. I can't wait to be smaller. I hate when parts of me jiggle when I walk!
Signing off! Just thought I'd get back into blogging because SOON I will have 5 kids in school and it will be just me and the Sweetie-Pea home! Won't that be exciting?