I started juicing! I have to say I LOVE it and how I feel overall since starting it. WHY did I start it in the first place, you're wondering, right? Well, I watched this documentary called Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead and it really opened my eyes about what I've been putting into my body lately. The part that REALLY got to me was when I learned that Joe and the other guy both had auto-immune diseases. Like me. They showed a picture of the meds they took and named them off and I'm like.. "Hey, I take that too." So, I have now been juicing for 5 days (I think) and I feel pretty good. I have found that if I eat anything of real substance... like say, a salad, I will be munchy-hungry the rest of the day. So I'm better off fighting that desire for something to chew and sticking with just the juice instead. Today I didn't do too well and yesterday I didn't do so hot either so this week I really have to crack down on it. Wednesday will be hard because I have to make a birthday cake for a meeting I'm going to and of course Valentine's Day is coming up too on Tuesday. Well, I guess I could reward myself by eating chocolate whenever I reach the goal I've set for myself. When will that be? I don't know how long but soon.
In other news, the pups are beginning to really grow up! And I don't just mean physically! When my kids and I go outside so they can get on the school bus they always go with us. When my oldest goes out to catch his, which is before the one comes for the littles, they go out with him. He is highly annoyed by this and thinks they are attacking me... but if you know Bricker you understand. They've also begun with the barking. I mean SERIOUS barking. The other day I drove up and someone was on a tractor behind our yard and a strange small beagle was with him (strange to me anyway). When the tractor turned off and the dude climbed down the dog, namely Copernicus, started in on his barking. He perked up all over and looked so majestic standing there! Then he crossed the creek and got a bit closer to whomever it was he was barking at, whether the man or the dog or the squirrels-I don't know, but as soon as the dude climbed back on the tractor and starter her up and drove off Copernicus relaxed his entire body and turned around, crossed the creek again and proceeded to flop back down on the patio which is normally how I always see him.
About a week ago I began looking at the dogs following us out to the bus more like they were going along with us as our bodyguards instead of just puppies. I think it started when Bricker started walking out to the bus alone. I would stand in the doorway watching... and then the pups would always trot down there to where he was. As soon as he got on the bus they walked back up to the house.
I think they know what they're doing.
Also, after I put the 3 youngers on their bus (and yes, the dogs are with us down there), I ALWAYS walk back to the front door, go in, walk through to the back door and go feed the puppies. Around the same time all this with Bricker started going down.. or I started NOTICING it anyway, I also started watching them when I walked in the house. In the beginning, Zeta would paw at the front door after I went in... wanting me to come back out or me to let her in. But now she watches ME and when she sees me open the back door she and Copernicus run around to the back door so they can see me again and so they can eat. I know, I know... ANY dog can learn that! Sure... I agree. But I still think they're smart.
Case in point- I started working more with them lately on some simple commands. One I've been REALLY wanting to teach them was "WAIT". I take a treat and hold it in my hand right in front of their face and every time they start to nab it I say the command and they stop. If they touch me I voice my disapproval and they back off. Then, I use the "GET IT" command when they are allowed to have the treat. I am getting closer and closer to their faces with this exercise each day I work on it and they've pretty much gotten it down, but I want to get them REALLY good at it, meaning that I want to be able to sit the treat on their nose and them not move until I give the "GET IT" command.
After we finish that fun exercise I then tell them "GO EAT" and they move on to their food dish.
It's all about repetition, really. They're doing great and I'm having fun teaching them things.
One "problem" I need to break them of is that they LOVE to play with the cats. Zeta in particular. When I say "play" I mean pin them down on the ground with oh, say, her mouth around their head or throat.
MMyeah. So... even though she never HURTS them... I still don't believe it's a good habit of play because what happens when I have goat babies or chickens? Not a pleasant thought.
We had to buy new collars for them recently too. The martingales (see the collar pic) we got when
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Martingale Collar |
Speaking of hair, they need a good brushing out. But honestly, every time I think about doing it they go and run through some wet, black soot from the burn pile or go run through some Alabama mud somewhere. Another day, perhaps. Too cold anyhow.
Anyone planting yet? Starting seeds? I bought a LOT of seeds recently as well as my potato and onions to plant. We've decided to plant them on our "farm" as opposed to here where we're living. Why not? We have the land... shouldn't we use it? Absolutely! So maybe when it warms up just a TAD we will get over there and clear a spot and till it just a bit and get these babies in the ground. I'm SO ready for Spring!