
I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in. ~John Muir, 1913

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Another update on random happenings...

Imagine my shock when I learned a few days ago that I would be getting my pups in a week and a half!

Say WHAT????


So, this holiday weekend The Dude and I worked on the dog house. I have an in-progress pic but haven't got the energy right now to upload it to my online album and what-not. It's coming! Just be patient! ;o) The framing is done and the trusses are finished too. Doesn't that make it sound like it's going to be HUGE? Well, it is a little big. 4x4x4 or thereabouts I think.

The Dude also worked on the chicken coop some more which is good because I think we will be getting some soon. Not sure what "soon" means exactly, time-wise, but...soon. :o) I can't have pups around here with nothing to do, can I? LOL! He put the front side wall on after he cut out the door and I then painted the front and the door. Just a few more things to do and it will be complete.

I got a few new pictures of the puppies to show off too. :o) I canNOT WAIT TO GET THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just love their little waggy tails and cute fluffy bottoms. Sigh. Not too much longer! And I have a ton to do before they get here. Collars, leashes, food, food DISHES, tags, etc...

Anyway, I think that's about all I have to mention right now. I'm feeling a bit under the weather and it's been raining non-stop since yesterday so I'm taking every opportunity to rest that I can. Tomorrow is the first day back to work and school for everyone and I need to do my part.

p.s.  I think I have the pups names picked out.  I will keep it to myself for now... I want to see the puppies to make sure they fit, if that makes sense. :o)

Have a lovely evening. :o)